Seawater Hydrometer

Seawater Hydrometer

This glass seawater hydrometer is specially made for sea water testing.It is widely used in sea water quality testing,mariculture and determination of salt content in seawater.It also has the function of thermometer,easy to use.

For mariculture users,it is a very good design seawater hydrometer,the most suitable range for mariculture is marked clearly on the hydrometer(Range:1.020-1.026).

Total 2 kinds of Seawater Hydrometers:

Big size:full length 26.6cm,seawater density range:1.000-1.040,resolution:0.001

Temperature range:0-40℃

Small size:full length 20.0cm,seawater density range:1.000-1.040,resolution:0.01

Temperature range:0-40℃

Seawater Hydrometer

List of Sea Water Salt Content and Density Comparison:

Seawater Hydrometer

The above data are measured at 17 ℃.

In other temperature,please use the following formula:
If the temperature is higher than 17.5 ℃: Salt Water Content (‰) = 1305 *(Tested Value -1)+0.3 * (Temperature - 17.5)
If the temperature is lower than 17.5 ℃:  Salt Water Content (‰) = 1305 *(Tested Value -1)+0.2 * (17.5 - Temperature )