Zinc Phosphate Cement

Zinc Phosphate Cement

Zinc Phosphate Cement has the characteristics of various dental cements, it has become an ideal routine material for clinical use This product has low polymerization heat, little irritation to pulp, and can be used as a base material for any deep cavity without double base.
Composed of two parts : powder and liquid. The main ingredient of the powder is Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, calcium fluoride, aluminium oxide and calcium hydroxide. The liquid agent mainly contains 40-50% polyacrylic acid solution.
Zinc Phosphate Cement first appeared in 1966 and mainly used as bottom and hole filling.
Advantages: chemical binding (free polycarboxylic acid and calcium); little pulp stimulation, suitable for single crown bonding of sensitive teeth; fluoride can be released.
Disadvantages: low compressive strength (a day after compression strength 80MPa, tensile strength 7MPa); high solubility.
Application notes: first use water and alcohol to clean the surface of the tooth and the surface of the prosthesis, wait for dried and then adhesive and fill. Usually, the powder is blended with the 1.5:0.5 (mass ratio), and the powder is gradually added to the liquid in the 30-40s.